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Friday 15 July 2011

5 Things To Avoid When Writing Your Bio

Now these might seem obvious but I see these 5 mistakes again and again.

1. Don't make your bio too long. The best bios are like the best C.V.s/resumés i.e. clear and concise.
2. No profanity. You might use it in your music but a bio is a professional document so keep it clean.
3. No shameless self promotion. Yes this is about you but endless bigging yourself up is tiresome and grating. Remember self praise is no praise.
4. No endless lists of every person you have ever worked with. A long list of artists you have worked with won't impress the reader especially if they have no clue who the other artists are. At best they will skim at over it, at worst they will lose the will to live.
5. No lies and false claims. Don't be tempted to pad out your bio with false claims. People can and do check.


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